Samuel Crowhurst
Son of James Crowhurst and Caroline Verrall. Born 3 Apr 1859 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 11 Mar 1932 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, age 72 years. Buried 12 Mar 1932 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia North Gumeracha Cemetery. Occupation: Gardener Sam Crowhurst obituary Sam Crowhurst obituary Sam Crowhurst obituary notice Sam Crowhurst death notice Sam Crowhurst death notice Sam Crowhurst death notice Sam Crowhurst funeral notice Sam Crowhurst funeral notice Sam Crowhurst funeral notice According to LDS - birth was 3 sep 1857 OBITUARY (The Adelaide Chronicle - March 24, 1932) MR. S. CROWHURST Mr. Samuel Crowhurst, wno died at Gumeracha on March 11, was one of the oldest residents of the district, having been born there on April 3, 1859. He lived for a few years at Mount Pleasant, but the remainder of his life was spent in the Gumeracha district, where he engaged in Gardening. He was married on August 7, 1889, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Richards by the Rev. W. H. Cann in the Bible Christian Church at Mount Torrens, this being the first wedding to be celebrated in the church. He leaves a widow, five sons - Messrs. R. J. Crowhurst, of Strathalbyn; A. E. and L. S. Crowhurst, of Gumeracha, C. G. Crowhurst, of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and T. M. Crowhurst, of Kurralta Park - and three daughters - Mesdames L., E., and R. Sandercock, of Gumeracha. One son. Mr. V. P. Crowhurst, was killed in the Great War.
Married 7 Aug 1889 Mount Torrens, South Australia, Australia, age 30 years by Rev. W. H. Cann in Bible Christian Church (married 42 years) Sam and Elizabeth Crowhiurst’s headstone in Gumeracha Sam and Elizabeth Crowhiurst’s headstone in Gumeracha Sam and Elizabeth Crowhurst’s headstone in Gumeracha Samuel Crowhurst’s house Samuel Crowhurst’s house Samuel Crowhurst’s house to:
Elizabeth Jane Richards, age by marriage 23 years
Daughter of Richards and Celia Richards. Born 13 Oct 1865 Ross Creek, South Australia, Australia. Died 10 Oct 1939 Fullarton, South Australia, Australia, age 73 years. Buried Oct 1939 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia North Gumeracha Cemetery death notice death notice Elizabeth Crowhurst’s death notice funeral notice funeral notice Elizabeth Crowhurst’s funeral notice On the 10th of October, at Fullarton, Elizabeth Jane, the beloved wife of the late Samuel Crowhurst, of Gumeracha aged 74 years. At Rest. CROWHURST - THE FRIENDS of thel ate Mrs. ELIZABETH JANE CROWHURST are respectfully informed that her Funeral will leave her late residence, Gumeracha, on WEDNESDAY, at 2 o’clock, for the North Guimereacha Cemetery.
Leonard Samuel CrowhurstBorn 6 Dec 1893 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 24 Aug 1970, age 76 years. Occupation: Farmer, source: Wife’s name (first only - no maiden name) and date of marriage recorded on Leonard’s WW2 enlistment documents.. Religion: Church of England, source: Wife’s name (first only - no maiden name) and date of marriage recorded on Leonard’s WW2 enlistment documents. Leonard Crowhurst Mobilisation Attestation Form for WW2 Leonard Crowhurst Mobilisation Attestation Form for WW2 Leonard’s WW2 Mobilisation Attestation Form which shows his date of birth, his wife’s name, occupation, religion, level of education, and basic details of his WW1 service. Leonard Crowhurst Medical certificate for WW2 Leonard Crowhurst Medical certificate for WW2 Leonard’s Service and Casualty for for WW2 Leonard’s Service and Casualty for for WW2 Service history of Leonard Crowhurst - showing deployments to 3rd then 2nd Battalions, his promotions up to Sergeant, and leaving the forces on 20-Sep-1945 Medical History for WW2 Medical History for WW2 Leonard’s medical history sheet completed when he volunteered for WW2 service. (Note that he is listed on here as Methodist, whilst other forms completed at the same time listed him as Church of England - Anglican). Dental Record on enlistment Dental Record on enlistment Leonard’s dental records on enlistment in WW2 Leonard server in both World Wars. I have been unable to find any documents relating to his WW1 service, apart from the information on his WW2 Mobilization Attestation Form, where it states he severed in the 9th Light Horse until the end of the war. Serving in the 9th Light Horse he would have been serving in the Middle East and involved in many battles with the Turks, almost certainly including the taking of Beersheba, a major victory for the Australian Light Horse in WW1. 2.
Clifford Gladstone CrowhurstBorn 6 Jan 1900 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia 3.
Richard James CrowhurstBorn 30 May 1890 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 31 Mar 1973, age 82 years 4.
Aubrey Ellis CrowhurstBorn 21 Feb 1892 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 1 Dec 1958 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, age 66 years. Buried Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia 5.
Vincent Parnell "Vic" CrowhurstBorn 11 Feb 1896 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 9 May 1918 Strazeele, France, age 22 years, cause of death: Killed in action. Buried Bailleul, France Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, Grave Reference/Panel Number I. F. 48. Vincent Crowhurst Vincent Crowhurst Vincent Crowhurst Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death cover page Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death ‘There was a man named Crowhurst in 16th Platoon and as far as I know was the only man of that name in the company. I did not know him well enough to give a description of him. I remember carrying down his dead body from the strassele section to the Rgt. Aid Post. And it was left for burial. I don’t know where he was buried. This was about the 9th May. Inf: Pte C. J. Wright. 7676. D.XIII% No. 7 C.C. BOULOGNE. 19.7.1918’ Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death ‘I saw Crowhurst, Pte. Scott and 6 others blown to pieces by a winnerwerther while we were in a trench at Strazelle just as we were relieving the 12th Battalion. We collected as much of the remains but it was almost impossible to identify most of it. I know nothing about the burial. 10th Battalion Wood, F.A..T.Agt. 2240. A 3. Dartford. 23/7/18’ Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death 25th July 1918. 10th. Australians. Crowhurst, V.P. 1126. Scott, S.K. 7065. Pascall, H.H. 7360. K. May. 9/1918. Lets. D/B. I know Private Howard Henry Pascall, D. Company, 15th. Platoon. I was a S/Bearer and helped to carry Pascall out at straseele in May 1918. He was killed by a Minniewerfer along with L/Corporal Vic. Crowhurst and Private. Ken Scott of the same Platoon. They were all buried in a Paddock close to a Hedge near our D/Station about one kilometre from straseele. There are about twenty Graves around; -All Australians. There are Crosses on all the Graves. I saw the Cross on Pascall’s Grave. Inf:- Private. W. F. Onborne. 733910th Australians. D. 13. Company S/Bearer, Australian Camp. Rouelles. Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death 28th July 1918 20th Australians Crowhurst, V.P. 1126 Scott, S.K. 7065 K. May. 9/1918 They were killed by a shell in a trench, just as we were going in; and died instantly. I helped to carry them out. They were badly smashed. I did not know them in life but the chaps of their cox said it was Crowhurst and Scott. Our people held the ground and I have no doubt they were buried. Inf:- Pte. G.P. Wright, No 7576 10th Australians. D. 13 Australian Camp. Rouelles Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death A.I.P. 10 Bat. Crowhurst, V.P. 1126 K.May9/16. We were changing in line in front of Strezele about 9 May, when he was hit by a minnewerfer bomb and nearly blown to bits. I was close by him. I have not seen grave, but I am sure it is at Borre. Crowhurst was in my Coy. And Plat. He used to belong to A/M/Corps, but was transferred to 10Bat. Came from Mt.Gambier, Sth Australia. Was a little chap 5’2 high, fair, and age 22-3. We called him ‘Vic’. IOnf:- MacDonald, P.H. Corporal. 3830, D. Coy. 10Plat G.P.G. Dartford 28/5/16 Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death ‘10th Battn. Crowhurst V.P. 1126. We were all on the same gun, “Crowie was blown to pieces by a minnerwerther, N.E. of Straselle at the same time as Pascal, H.H. 7560 and Scott, J.K. 7066. I know nothing of their burial. 10th Battn. Mitchell, H. Pte 3815 11 A. Dartford. 1/8/18’ Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death These three Crowhurst, Pascall and Scott were in D Company and were killed with a couple of 18th Battn men whom I did not know by a miniwerfer near Strazeele, they were killed outright. Scott head wounds, Pascall pretty badly knocked but Crowhurst not ver much. I helped as a Stretcher Bearer to carry them out and they are buried in Strazeele near the 10th Battalion 1st Aid Post in seperate graves and crosses erected. There are about 16 or 18 graves and crosses erected. There are about 18 or 16 graves there near the road inside the hedge. I saw the graves later also. Informant:- 7339, W.F. Osbourne, 10, D Coy., Hub 18, Westham. Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death A.I.F. 10. CROWHURST V.P. 1126 K. May 9th 1918. Dets. I was one of the S/Bs who brought him out dead. He was a M/Gunner and part of his head was blown off. I should say by shell fire. That was at Norris at night, about May 3rd. We were relieving the 12th Battn when it happened and Fritz made a raid at the same time. We took Crowhurst to the Aid Post for burial. He was an original man and we always called him ‘Vic’, but I do not know much of him personally. Inf: W.R. Howe. 7282 10.D.8/B. A.T. “Brighton”. CALAIS. 13.8.1918 Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death 10th A.I.F. CROWHURST V.P. 1126 (K. May 9/18.) Dets/ D/B. I saw Pte. Vic.Crowhurst (10.D.) after he had been killed instantaneously in May on the Strazeele Front (near Hazebrouch). He was shot by a bullet while we were holding the front line trench. I was not on the spot when it happened, but saw him afterwards lying in the trench. He was buried behind the lines on the side of a hill by a hedge. I have seen his grave. There was a cross put up. There were other graves there. Eyewitness: He saw him afterwards. Description: Out a good while, single I think. I can give no particulars. Informant: Pte. H. Riches. 7381 10th A.I.F. D Coy. XIII Pl. 3rd Southern General Hospital, The Base. Oxford. Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death Red Cross entry on Vincent Crowhurst death 10th A.I.F. CROWHURST Pte. V.P. 1126 D.Coy. XV. Plat K. May 9/18. Pte. Crowhurst was killed by a German Trench Mortar., Meteron, May 9th. He was blown to pieces. Remains buries at Moore and a cross with his name put up. Eye-witness:- Yes Description:- Nothing particular, called Vic Informant:- Pte. Claude Peyton, 7241, 10th A.I.F. D. Coy. H.Q. Bevan Military Hospital, Sandgate. Attestation Paper for Vincent Crowhurst Attestation Paper for Vincent Crowhurst Certificate of attesting officer Certificate of attesting officer Description and Medical Exam of Vincent Crowhurst Description and Medical Exam of Vincent Crowhurst Statement of Service Statement of Service Attestation Paper for Vincent Crowhurst (handwritten) Attestation Paper for Vincent Crowhurst (handwritten) Casualty Form Casualty Form 3472548_0007 3472548_0007 3472548_0008 3472548_0008 3472548_0009 3472548_0009 3472548_0010 3472548_0010 3472548_0011 3472548_0011 3472548_0012 3472548_0012 3472548_0013 3472548_0013 3472548_0014 3472548_0014 3472548_0015 3472548_0015 3472548_0016 3472548_0016 3472548_0017 3472548_0017 3472548_0018 3472548_0018 3472548_0019 3472548_0019 3472548_0020 3472548_0020 3472548_0021 3472548_0021 3472548_0022 3472548_0022 3472548_0023 3472548_0023 3472548_0024 3472548_0024 3472548_0025 3472548_0025 3472548_0026 3472548_0026 3472548_0027 3472548_0027 3472548_0028 3472548_0028 3472548_0029 3472548_0029 3472548_0030 3472548_0030 3472548_0031 3472548_0031 3472548_0032 3472548_0032 3472548_0033 3472548_0033 3472548_0034 3472548_0034 3472548_0035 3472548_0035 3472548_0036 3472548_0036 3472548_0037 3472548_0037 3472548_0038 3472548_0038 3472548_0039 3472548_0039 3472548_0040 3472548_0040 3472548_0041 3472548_0041 3472548_0042 3472548_0042 3472548_0043 3472548_0043 3472548_0044 3472548_0044 3472548_0045 3472548_0045 3472548_0046 3472548_0046 3472548_0047 3472548_0047 3472548_0048 3472548_0048 3472548_0049 3472548_0049 3472548_0050 3472548_0050 3472548_0051 3472548_0051 3472548_0052 3472548_0052 3472548_0053 3472548_0053 3472548_0054 3472548_0054 3472548_0055 3472548_0055 3472548_0056 3472548_0056 3472548_0057 3472548_0057 3472548_0058 3472548_0058 3472548_0059 3472548_0059 3472548_0060 3472548_0060 3472548_0061 3472548_0061 3472548_0062 3472548_0062 3472548_0063 3472548_0063 3472548_0064 3472548_0064 3472548_0065 3472548_0065 3472548_0066 3472548_0066 3472548_0067 3472548_0067 3472548_0068 3472548_0068 3472548_0069 3472548_0069 3472548_0070 3472548_0070 3472548_0071 3472548_0071 3472548_0072 3472548_0072 3472548_0073 3472548_0073 3472548_0074 3472548_0074 3472548_0075 3472548_0075 3472548_0076 3472548_0076 3472548_0077 3472548_0077 3472548_0078 3472548_0078 3472548_0079 3472548_0079 3472548_0080 3472548_0080 3472548_0081 3472548_0081 3472548_0082 3472548_0082 3472548_0083 3472548_0083 3472548_0084 3472548_0084 3472548_0085 3472548_0085 3472548_0086 3472548_0086 3472548_0087 3472548_0087 3472548_0088 3472548_0088 3472548_0089 3472548_0089 3472548_0090 3472548_0090 3472548_0091 3472548_0091 3472548_0092 3472548_0092 Enlisted in AIF : 29 Sept, 1914, Morphettville, South Australia, Australia Served in : Gallipoli, Belgium, Egypt & France Rank: Lance Corporal Service Number: 1126 Units Served: 10th Battalion Personal Details: Vincent was born in February 1896 to parents Samuel and Elizabeth in Gumeracha. He attended public school and was a gardener by trade. He was 5’ 4” tall, with a fair complexion, blue eyes and fair hair. He was a Methodist by religion. Enlistment Details: Vincent enlisted on the 29th September 1914 at Morphettville. He was 18 years and 7 months old. He was assigned to the 1st Stationary Hospital. Details about his role in War: Vincent left Australia from Melbourne aboard the "Kyarra’ on the 14th December 1914, and proceeded to join the Mediterranean Expedition Force on the 2nd March 1915. He served at Gallipoli until the 8th October 1915 when he was taken to hospital sick. He was then sent to England with Influenza. On the 31st October he was admitted to the 2nd Southern General Hospital in Bristol, remaining there until the end of December. He was then AWL for 9 days and forfeited 9 days pay as well as being awarded 168 hours detention under Royal Warrant. He then left England on the 24th February 1916 arriving in Egypt on 5th March 1916. He rejoined the 1st Stationary Hospital on the 11th March and remained there until 14th September when he again departed for England. He was then assigned to the Convalescence Depot until the 25th February when he was transferred to the 10th Battalion leaving England aboard the "Golden Eagle’ and joining the battalion on the 4th March. He was then taken ill again with pyrexia of unknown origin on the 23rd March spending 2 days in hospital before returning to the 10th. He remained with the unit until the Battle of Polygon Wood when he was wounded in action with a gunshot to the hand on the 1st October. He again returned to England to recover and was AWL for 6 days in late November. He rejoined his unit on the 2nd January 1918. He was promoted to Lance Corporal on the 1st May and was then killed in action on the 9th May while the 10th battalion was taking over the line near Strazeele. Eyewitnesses state that he was killed by a minenwefer with 2 others in a machine gun post, although one witness said that he was shot in the head. He was originally buried in the Strazeele Rd Cemetery but at some stage after the war his remains were exhumed and moved to the Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension. Age at Death: 22 Memorial Details: Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, France Grave I F 48 , source: Web site : http://connectingspirits.com.au/pages/soldiers/2010-soldiers/vincent-crowhurst.php 6.
Gladys Celia CrowhurstBorn 21 Jan 1898 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 18 Sep 1898, age 7 months and 4 weeks 7.
Thomas Milton CrowhurstBorn 24 Feb 1902 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died ? 8.
Bessie Iris CrowhurstBorn 16 Jul 1904 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 13 Jul 1983 Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, age 78 years. Buried Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia Garden Of Remembrance. Occupation: Farmer's Wife Bessie Crowhurst Bessie Crowhurst Bessie Crowhurst Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Entries from Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Entries from Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Bessie Crowhurst’s bible Entries from Bessie Crowhurst’s bible D.D.L.B.A. Veteran Fours Winners D.D.L.B.A. Veteran Fours Winners TOASTING THEIR SUCCESS in the Darling Downs Ladies Bowling Association's veteran fours competition are the winners (from left to right), Mrs. A. Skerman, Mrs. M. Woollett (skip), Mrs. L. Sandercock, and Mrs. J. McGrath. The finals were played yesterday at the Toowoomba Bowling Club in Lindsay Street. Bessie Iris Sandercock cremation plaque Bessie Iris Sandercock cremation plaque Bessie Iris Sandercock cremation plaque KENTON VALLEY RED CROSS. The Kenton Valley Red Cross held their March appeal afternoon at the home of Mrs Ellis Sandercock. Visitors came from Lobethal, Gumeracha and Springton, also Mrs Leo Sandercock, of Queensland, a former member, was present. Mrs Lillecrapp, of Brighton, was guest speaker, and also judged the apron competition, which was won by Mesdames K. & L. Sandercock, and also Mrs E. Sandercock. All aprons were sent to Headquarters for the September Fair Stall. A trading table was convened by Mrs K. & L. Sandercock and the approximate takings were £8/10/- for the afternoon. [27/3/1957 5d.] Obituary Bessie Iris (Crowhurst) Sandercock, 78, of Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, died Wednesday, 13 July 1983. Born on Saturday, 16 July 1904, in Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, she was the daughter of the late Samuel Crowhurst formerly of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia and the late Elizabeth Jane (Richards) formerly of Fullarton, South Australia, Australia. On Saturday, 18 October 1969 she was preceded in death by her husband of 45 years, Leo Sandercock, son of the late John Sandercock formerly of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia and the late Emily Edith (Bond) formerly of Kenton Valley, South Australia, Australia. Bessie Iris is survived by three children, Gerald Leon and his wife Beryl Olive (Volker) of Lobethal, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Mary Claire Paterson of Lobethal, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, and Donald Barry and his wife Gloria Dell (Rashleigh) of Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia; four siblings, Clifford Gladstone Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Thomas Milton Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Rita Jessie (Crowhurst) Sandercock of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, and Olive Carolyn (Crowhurst) Sandercock; eleven grandchildren, David Skene Paterson, Mary Gillian Paterson, Mearon Anne Paterson, Ross Leon and his wife Thelma Maree (Hoare), Bruce Thomas Paterson, Christopher Robin Paterson, Denise Margaret Parkinson and her husband Leslie John Parkinson, Colin Barry of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, John Leo of Dalby, Queensland, Australia, Gaylene Joy, and Allan Paul of Dalby, Queensland, Australia; eight G grandchildren, Alexander Skene Paterson, Ashley Bruce Geldard, Nike Amanda Paterson, Jasmin Jane Geldard, Lucy Anne Paterson, Rebecca Maree, Jade Ashley Parkinson, and Leah Kate. Bessie Iris was preceded in death by five siblings, Richard James Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Aubrey Ellis Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Leonard Samuel Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Vincent Parnell Crowhurst of Strazeele, France, and Gladys Celia Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia; four grandparents, James Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Caroline Verrall of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Richards, and Celia Richards of Cornwall, United Kingdom., source: Torrens Valley Historical Journals 9.
Rita Jessie CrowhurstBorn 12 Jan 1907 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia. Died 30 Jan 2001 Victor Harbour, South Australia, Australia Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre, age 94 years, cause of death: Perforated Stomach, Pneumonia. Buried 2 Feb 2001 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia K.V. WELFARE MEETING. The Kay-Vee Ladies held their monthly meeting at the residence of Mrs V.A. Lee. There was a good attendance of members and friends. President, Mrs Rex Sandercock, occupied the chair. Arrangements in connection with gifts for the Red Cross Geneva Fair were finalised. Three dozen gifts will be forwarded. The forthcoming annual birthday celebrations of this Club to be held in the Kenton Valley Baptist Church in October was also considered. At the close of the meeting afternoon tea was enjoyed and Trading Table goods were soon sold. The next meeting in Sept. will be held at the home of Mrs E. Sandercock. [1/9/1954 9c.] KENTON VALLEY RED CROSS. The Kenton Valley Red Cross held their March appeal afternoon at the home of Mrs Ellis Sandercock. Visitors came from Lobethal, Gumeracha and Springton, also Mrs Leo Sandercock, of Queensland, a former member, was present. Mrs Lillecrapp, of Brighton, was guest speaker, and also judged the apron competition, which was won by Mesdames K. & L. Sandercock, and also Mrs E. Sandercock. All aprons were sent to Headquarters for the September Fair Stall. A trading table was convened by Mrs K. & L. Sandercock and the approximate takings were £8/10/- for the afternoon. [27/3/1957 5d.] KENTON VALLEY WELFARE CELEBRATES 13TH BIRTHDAY. On Wednesday, the Salem Church Hall was tastefully decorated by members of the Kenton Valley Kay Vee Welfare Society for the occasion of their 13th birthday celebration. Mrs A. Downer, the guest speaker, gave an interesting talk of her trip abroad and her friendly manner and charming personality captured the hearts of all listeners. Vocal items were rendered by Mesdames L. Ross of Kersbrook, and L.D. Cornish, of Forreston. Both Mrs Downer and assisting artists were presented with a box of home-made biscuits. An exquisite flower cake was made by Mrs K.M. Cornish. A trading table was convened by Mesdames H.W. Nickels, W.A. Moore, and E. Sandercock. Afternoon tea was served and proceeds for the afternoon realised £18. [9/12/1959 4d.] Obituary Rita Jessie (Crowhurst) Sandercock, 94, of Victor Harbour, South Australia, Australia, died Tuesday, 30 January 2001. Born on Saturday, 12 January 1907, in Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, she was the daughter of the late Samuel Crowhurst formerly of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia and the late Elizabeth Jane (Richards) formerly of Fullarton, South Australia, Australia. On Friday, 30 October 1981 she was preceded in death by her husband of 56 years, Ellis Sandercock, son of the late John Sandercock formerly of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia and the late Emily Edith (Bond) formerly of Kenton Valley, South Australia, Australia. Rita Jessie is survived by one son, Ian David; three siblings, Clifford Gladstone Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Thomas Milton Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, and Olive Carolyn (Crowhurst) Sandercock; three grandchildren, James Ellis and his wife Lynnette Joyce (Cain) of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Michael John and his wife Janice (Pitt) of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, and Carolyn Ann Saville and her husband David John Saville of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia; nine G grandchildren, Daniel James, Emma, Kristy Lea Saville of Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, Ben Mathew, Peter, Melissa Jane Saville of Blacktown, New South Wales, Australia, Mathew David Saville of Blacktown, New South Wales, Australia, Bradley, and Olivia. Rita Jessie was preceded in death by one son, Lionel Gilbert of Victor Harbour, South Australia, Australia; six siblings, Richard James Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Aubrey Ellis Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Leonard Samuel Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Vincent Parnell Crowhurst of Strazeele, France, Gladys Celia Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, and Bessie Iris (Crowhurst) Sandercock of Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia; four grandparents, James Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Caroline Verrall of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Richards, and Celia Richards of Cornwall, United Kingdom., sources: Torrens Valley Historical Journals, Torrens Valley Historical Journals, Torrens Valley Historical Journals 10.
Olive Carolyn CrowhurstBorn 24 Sep 1911. Died 28 May 2009, age 97 years. Buried 4 Jun 2009 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia Gumeracha Cemetery. Occupation: Farmer's Wife Olive Sandercock Olive Sandercock Olive Sandercock (nee Crowhurst) There was a problem for the parents of the children who were Baptist parishioners’ the man teaching their children was a Roman Catholic. Mr V.A. Lee, after discussions, gathered a group pf parents in a private house. The group decided Mr Hayes could not teach their children. Every family signed a petition to the Education Department, with the exception of Mrs A.J. 'Gertie' Laughton and Mrs Ralph 'Olive' Sandercock. The result was that the school was closed at the end of the second term in 1943. The children then went to the Gumeracha school, which unfortunately did not have enough desks and students had to sit three to a desk. GUMERACHA SHOW. NEEDLEWORK. Open section championship: Mrs L.G. Sandercock; champion piece of needlework: Mrs M.E. Michalk; highest aggregate, Mrs H.G. Bolton (open), Mrs V.R. Harnden (local). Other awards: Miss M. Seidel, Mesdames S.A. Cornish, Ralph Sandercock, Miss Maureen Dallow, Mrs W.T. Bleeze, Liss R.G. Lawrie, Mesdames G.A. Thiele, N. Cooper, E. Hannaford, H.R. Hewlett, C. Jamieson, Misses M. Farley and M.J. Norsworthy. Children's section: Glenys Hill, Josie Bleeze, Margaret Lee, Shirley Dallow and Kathryn Butler. [3/4/1952 2ad.] GUMERACHA 20th ANNUAL SHOW PRIZE LIST. Fodder: Judge G.L. Hampton remarked that Wheaten and Oaten hay classes were both of good quality. A little extra care in selecting sheaves for exhibition could have influenced the results. Baled hay class had six entries. First prize bale contained too much Barley grass; second prize had insufficient clover. Two entries were mouldy. Again greater care needed in selecting entries. E. Sandercock, C. Sandercock, V.A. Lee, D.C. Hynes. Vegetables: Mr C.E. Filsell, of Forest Range said he was very pleased with the display and commended exhibitors "I would recommend in future that potatoes be washed as it tends to show defects." Prizewinners were: A.J. Parish, F.M. Green and Sons, W.A. Gray, V. Didiano, L. Naismith, Mrs E. Bleeze, E. Sandercock, H.J. Schlein, A. Dallow, L.S. Crowhurst, L.D. Cornish, H.E. Verrall and Son, Ralph Sandercock, N.G. Gallas, Miss E.B. Cornish. Knitting & Needlework Open Classes: Judge M. Wilson said that in the Open Section there were some beautiful pieces of work, which helped to raise the standard of the local section. Mrs S.T. Elliott, E.M. Potter, Mrs M. Harnden, Miss G.A. Thiele, Mrs C.E. Cornish, O.T. Braun were the main prizewinners. Local Section: Judge M. Wilson said the standard of work was very high especially in the embroidery which was most pleasing. The knitting section was rather poor no doubt owing to cost of wool. In all a very good show of work. "I was pleased to see new sections, which will give still more interest." Mrs J. Moore, M. Farley, Mrs Monica Atkinson, L.D. Cornish, K.S. Cornish, Judy Nash, Mrs L. Evely, Miss M. Randell, J. Bleeze, D.J. Naismith, Yvonne Miles, Ralph Sandercock, D.M. Carter, B.R. Hanna, O.J. Naismith, Mrs L.T. Norsworthy, Mrs S.J. Hastwell, M.J. Tuck, Mrs H.R. Underwood, Mrs W.R. Hannaford, Miss M.J. Michalk. Fruit: Judge Mr Walter Rehn said the quality of the fruit exhibited was up to the usual high standard with competition very keen and the collection of apples outstanding. J.J. and D.A. Stephenson, H.E. Stephenson, H.E. Verrall and Sons, W.A. Moore, C. Jamieson, E. Sandercock, Ralph Sandercock, J.M. Carter, S.A. Cornish, L.S. Crowhurst, shared the prizes. [1/4/1953 6ab.] GUMERACHA SHOW PRIZE LIST. NEEDELEWORK AND KNITTING. Mrs M.H. Clark, who judged this section said "Needlework sections were well represented but more entries would improve the dressmaking section. Needlework was of high standard, but some of the knitting was loosely done." Prizewinners:ñ Mrs V. McGuire, Mrs D.M. Jenkins, Mrs C.H. Mieglich, Mrs E.M. Watters, G.A. Thiele, Miss C.G. Lee, Miss C. Schlein, Mrs C.T. Camac, Miss M.G. Michalk, Miss G.E. White, Mrs C. Chambers, Mrs H.A. Carpenter, Mrs D.R. Summerton, Miss B. Dicker, Mrs S.G. Edwards, Mrs D. Lamborn, Mrs Eric Bleeze, R.A. Miles, Mrs L.T. Norsworthy, Mrs R.C. Grigg, A. Dickson, Miss M.R. Carter, Miss D. Billingsley, Miss J. Forrest, Mrs S. Sinkinson, Mrs W. Norsworthy, Mrs V.M. Underwood, Miss M.J. Tuck, Mrs W.R. Hannaford, Mrs Ralph Sandercock, Mrs W.T. Bleeze, Mrs J.S. Wytkin, Rosemary Verrall, Shirley Dallow, Jillian Cornish, Beverley Naismith, Marian Gray, Betty Underwood, Beth Grigg, Jeanette Randell, Mrs W. Nitschke, Helen Wytkin. Champion Piece of Needlework or Knitting (open section): Mrs D.M. Jenkins. Champion Piece of Needlework or Knitting (local section) Miss M.G. Michalk. [30/3/1955 5ad.] GUMERACHA SHOW PRIZE LIST.Gumeracha Show Fruit: ApplesóRalph Sandercock, J.J. & D.A. Stephenson, H.E. Verrall & Sons, K.M. Carter, C. Jamieson. Largest apple, export and collection, H.E. Verrall & Sons. Champion plate apples, H.E. Verrall & Sons. J.B. Randell Challenge trophy, H.E. Verrall & Sons. PearsóJ.J. & D.A. Stephenson, H.E. Verrall & Sons, E.M. Carter, C. Jamieson, Ralph Sandercock. Collection, Verrall & Sons. Champion plate of pears, C. Jamieson. Aggregate points, H.E. Verrall & Sons. FodderóWheaten hay, O.W. Gladigau, Meadow Hay, D.C. Hynes, R.L. Cornish. Lucerne, W.A. Gray, D.B. Dicker. Collection Green Fodders, Ralph Sandercock, A. Schliebs. Needlework and KnittingóOpen Section: Mrs L. Crafter, Mrs D.M. Jenkins, Mrs L.H. Siebert, E.M. Watters, Miss G. Thiele, G.E. White, Mrs Ralph Sandercock, Mrs L.E. Pfitzner. Local Section: Mrs W.M. Norsworthy, R.A. Carpenter, Miss M.G. Michalk, D.M. Butler, Mrs M. Lamborn, Mrs R. Grigg, Mrs C.H. Mieglich, R.A. Miles, M.J. Tuck, K.L. Colbey, A. Dixon Mrs R. Sandercock, Mrs V.A. Collins, Mrs M.E. Michalk, Mrs S.B. Michalk. Children's Section: E. Bleeze, K. Colbey, Rosemary Verrall,, Shirley Dallow, Beth Grigg, Beverley Sinkinson, B. Naismith, L.C. Schlein, G. Naismith. VegetablesóOpen Section: F.M. Green & Sons, A. Schliebs, P.R. Gladigau, Ralph Sandercock, L.M. Naismith, A.J. Parish. C. Jamieson Challenge Trophy: Mr Schliebs. Local Collection: O.W. Gladigau, Ralph Sandercock, Rev. M. Chambers, Neil Grigg, Mrs C.H. Mieglich. F.M. Green & Sons Challenge Cup: F.M. Green & Sons. [11/4/1956 1cd.] Obituary Olive Carolyn (Crowhurst) Sandercock, 97, died Thursday, 28 May 2009. Born on Sunday, 24 September 1911, she was the daughter of the late Samuel Crowhurst formerly of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia and the late Elizabeth Jane (Richards) formerly of Fullarton, South Australia, Australia. On Friday, 19 December 1969 she was preceded in death by her husband of 38 years, Ralph Sandercock, son of the late John Sandercock formerly of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia and the late Emily Edith (Bond) formerly of Kenton Valley, South Australia, Australia. Olive Carolyn is survived by one son, Denzil Graham; two brothers, Clifford Gladstone Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, and Thomas Milton Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia; one granddaughter, Michelle of Lobethal, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia; one G grandson, Jordan Johnston. Olive Carolyn was preceded in death by seven siblings, Richard James Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Aubrey Ellis Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Leonard Samuel Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Vincent Parnell Crowhurst of Strazeele, France, Gladys Celia Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Bessie Iris (Crowhurst) Sandercock of Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, and Rita Jessie (Crowhurst) Sandercock of Victor Harbour, South Australia, Australia; four grandparents, James Crowhurst of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Caroline Verrall of Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia, Richards, and Celia Richards of Cornwall, United Kingdom., sources: Murray Butler - ‘Impressions and Experiences of a Young Boy New to Gumeracha - 1936/43’ This is included on the Torrens Valley Historical Journals 1977-2013, Issues 1-84 cd rom, Torrens Valley Historical Journals, Torrens Valley Historical Journals, Torrens Valley Historical Journals, Torrens Valley Historical Journals |
Family events
Citation for: Family Page
"Family Page: Samuel Crowhurst & Elizabeth Jane Richards." HuMo-genealogy - Colin Sandercock's Family Tree (http://family.sandercock.net/index.php?page=family&tree_id=2&id=F60&main_person=I69 : accessed 25 January 2025) Samuel Crowhurst #I69, born 3 Apr 1859 Gumeracha, Adelaide Hills Council, South Australia, Australia
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