Hourglass chart of C.B. Sandercock

Ancestors⇦⇦⇦       ⇨⇨⇨Descendants

The main person is displayed in the center of the chart.
Ancestors are displayed to his/her left, descendants are displayed to the right

Hover over square: Display pop-up menu with details
Click on square: Move this person to center of chart
Click on name in pop-up menu: Go to person's family page


===== Additional marriage of same person


Nr. Generations: choose between 2 - 12 generations for ancestors
and 2 - 15 generation for descendants. (large number of generations will take longer to generate)
Box size: Use the slider to choose display size (10 steps):
step 1-4: small boxes with popup for details
step 5-7: larger boxes with initials of name + pop-up for details
step 8-9: boxes/rectangles with name inside + pop-up with further details
step 10: large rectangles with name, birth and death details + pop-up with further details

Record of William Stanbury’s arrival in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)|Record of William Stanbury’s arrival in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
1851 Census|House details for Esther Little in 1851 UK census
1851 Census|House details for Esther Little in 1851 UK census
Berry Hill in the 1980’s|Berry Hill in the 1980’s
Berry Hill in the 1980’s|Berry Hill in the 1980’s
Frederick Dennant Bond|Frederick Dennant Bond
Sarah Ann Bond|Sarah Ann Bond
James and Caroline Crowhurst Plaque|James and Caroline Crowhurst Plaque
James and Caroline Crowhurst Plaque|James and Caroline Crowhurst Plaque
William Henry Rashleigh|William Henry Rashleigh
1861 Census details|Transcribed details of Esther Little from 1861 UK census
Patrick Edwards death certificate|Patrick Edwards death certificate
Bridgette Dowd |Bridgette Dowd is Mrs Edwards (with hat). The two O'’Dowd wives are not related
John Sandercock|John Sandercock
Emily Edith Sandercock’s (nee Bond) headstone in Gumeracha|Emily Edith Sandercock’s (nee Bond) headstone in Gumeracha
Sam Crowhurst obituary|Sam Crowhurst obituary notice
death notice|Elizabeth Crowhurst’s death notice
Frederick Rashleigh’s birth certificate|Frederick Rashleigh’s birth certificate
Doug and Joan Geisel wedding. |Doug and Joan Geisel wedding. Val Conway (sitting bridesmaid), Cora Conway sitting extreme right
Leo’s house in South Australia|Don outside Leos original house in SA, taken on Don and Dell’s trip to South Australia, early 1980’s
Bessie Crowhurst|Bessie Crowhurst
William Rashleigh|William James Rashleigh
Bella Rashleigh|Isabella Rashleigh, taken a few weeks before her death in 2004
Dell Sandercock birthday|Dell Sandercock birthday in local media.
Back (L-R) John, Allan, Don Sandercock, a friend, Bruce, David Patterson
Front(L-R), friend, Dell Sandercock, Isabella Rashleigh, Glenda Patterson

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